CEO Evelyn O’Toole to continue as WMB Magazine Gender Diversity Ambassador in 2018.

16 Mar 2018

The WMB Magazine Gender Diversity Ambassadors have been announced for this year and we’re very pleased to highlight that our Founder and CEO Evelyn O’Toole is on board again for 2018.

WMB work with companies that are embracing diversity and who work towards having a more balanced business environment. 

At CLS we embody diversity and encourage all our team to become champions for inclusion on a daily basis.

Evelyn said:

When I first set up CLS in 1994 gender diversity wasn’t part of the conversation and for me setting up my business was always about getting the right person for the job. In the past 24 years CLS has grown organically and today 70% of our senior directors and 65% of our total workforce are female.

For me diversity and inclusion has always been at the forefront of what we do at CLS as I believe it brings a more harmonious and balanced working environment and naturally results in higher productivity levels. It’s about cultivating a strong equal opportunities workplace. In recent years our industry sector has seen a shift towards recognising the importance of diversity for every person and I look forward to seeing more organisations putting it into practice.

Find out more about the initiative and about the other ambassadors here