10 Jan 2015

Breakthrough Technology

Breakthrough Technology

CLS is proud to be the first company in Ireland to feature Agilent Technologies’ Next-Generation UHPLC System.

CLS is proud to be the first company in Ireland to feature Agilent Technologies’ Next-Generation UHPLC System – the 1290 Infinity II LC System. The new flagship instrument in the powerful 1200 Infinity Series LC portfolio sets a new benchmark in laboratory competence. It embodies the future of UHPLC—plus breakthrough technologies to maximize business efficiency in three dimensions.

  • Maximize Analytical Efficiency
  • Maximize Instrument Efficiency
  • Maximize Laboratory Efficiency

Simply put, the Agilent 1290 Infinity II has the capabilities of both HPLC and UPLC technologies. It is six times faster than both ─ and has improved resolution and selectivity compared with HPLC.

CLS’s Director of Outsourcing, Colin O’Toole, said that his department’s analyst on contract staff and CLS’s in-house laboratory staff are currently being trained up by Senior Chemist and Trainer, Dominic Doyle. “This imparts significant value for our clients” Colin added, “both in terms of skilled analysts being available to work at client sites and greater efficiencies and runtimes on product testing in-house for our clients in the medical devices and pharma sectors”.